Wealthy people suck…

I am so sick of a lot of wealthy people and their greed and self-righteousness. They isolate into their “high school” worlds and expect us to revere them for their perceived greatness while influencing our elected officials. Sorry, I grew up with people that could make me laugh like the best…

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PowerShell console weather script

I wanted a little more detail than some other terminal weather programs provide so I wrote one in PowerShell. I do not consider it complete as I will eventually rewrite error handling, how I handle the data, and add better documentation. It works and can be used to learn or…

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Quick Linux Install Tip – Drives

One of the best things about Linux is that you can use a drive as home. It’s easy to simply let the Linux installer configure your drives, but is it the best solution? I don”t think so. Either way, this is how I do things. Note: If you just want…

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Haiku OS Themes

I created these Haiku OS themes and a wallpaper over the weekend. View the info file to see how to install. They require ThemeManager, which can be installed from HaikuDepot. I did not create the wallpaper in the dark them. Attribution in info file also. The irritations: Things seem inconsistent…

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