Calendar Class In Flet And Python

A simple Calendar class for flet. I needed a calendar so I made one. I hope someone finds it useful.

import flet as ft
import datetime
import calendar
from calendar import HTMLCalendar
from dateutil import relativedelta

FletCalendar in Python.

Flet does not have one so I needed to make my own
and I thought I would share.

Author: C. Nichols <>
License: WTFPL
WTFPL — Do What the Fuck You Want to Public License
Requirements: You need to install the following. pip install flet I suggest you use a Python virtual environment. That will keep your system Python clean and make it easier to manage you Flet project. ''' class FletCalendar(ft.UserControl): def __init__(self, page): super().__init__() = page self.get_current_date() self.set_theme() # Init the container control. self.calendar_container = ft.Container(width=355, height=300, padding=ft.padding.all(2), border=ft.border.all(2, self.border_color), border_radius=ft.border_radius.all(10), alignment=ft.alignment.bottom_center) # Build the calendar. self.output = ft.Text() # Add output control. def get_current_date(self): '''Get the initial current date''' today = self.current_month = today.month self.current_day = self.current_year = today.year def selected_date(self, e): '''User selected date''' self.output.value = self.output.update() #return def set_current_date(self): '''Set the calendar to the current date.''' today = self.current_month = today.month self.current_day = self.current_year = today.year self.calendar_container.update() def get_next(self, e): '''Move to the next month.''' current =, self.current_month, self.current_day) add_month = relativedelta.relativedelta(months=1) next_month = current + add_month self.current_year = next_month.year self.current_month = next_month.month self.current_day = self.calendar_container.update() def get_prev(self, e): '''Move to the previous month.''' current =, self.current_month, self.current_day) add_month = relativedelta.relativedelta(months=1) next_month = current - add_month self.current_year = next_month.year self.current_month = next_month.month self.current_day = self.calendar_container.update() def get_calendar(self): '''Get the calendar from the calendar module.''' cal = HTMLCalendar() return cal.monthdayscalendar(self.current_year, self.current_month) def set_theme(self, border_color=ft.colors.PINK_700, text_color=ft.colors.PINK_50, current_day_color=ft.colors.PINK_700): self.border_color = border_color self.text_color = text_color self.current_day_color = current_day_color def build(self): '''Build the calendar for flet.''' current_calendar = self.get_calendar() str_date = '{0} {1}, {2}'.format(calendar.month_name[self.current_month], self.current_day, self.current_year) date_display = ft.Text(str_date, text_align='center', size=20, color=self.text_color) next_button = ft.Container( ft.Text('>', text_align='right', size=20, color=self.text_color), on_click=self.get_next ) div = ft.Divider(height=1, thickness=2.0, color=self.border_color) prev_button = ft.Container( ft.Text('<', text_align='left', size=20, color=self.text_color), on_click=self.get_prev ) calendar_column = ft.Column([ft.Row([prev_button, date_display, next_button], alignment=ft.MainAxisAlignment.SPACE_EVENLY, vertical_alignment=ft.CrossAxisAlignment.CENTER, height=40, expand=False), div], spacing=2, width=355, height=330, alignment=ft.MainAxisAlignment.START, expand=False) # Loop weeks and add row. for week in current_calendar: week_row = ft.Row(alignment=ft.MainAxisAlignment.CENTER) # Loop days and add days to row. for day in week: if day > 0: is_current_day_font = ft.FontWeight.W_300 is_current_day_bg = ft.colors.TRANSPARENT display_day = str(day) if len(str(display_day)) == 1: display_day = '0%s' % display_day if day == self.current_day: is_current_day_font = ft.FontWeight.BOLD is_current_day_bg = self.current_day_color day_button = ft.Container(content=ft.Text(str(display_day), weight=is_current_day_font, color=self.text_color), on_click=self.selected_date, data=(self.current_month, day, self.current_year), width=40, height=40, ink=True,, border_radius=ft.border_radius.all(10), bgcolor=is_current_day_bg) else: day_button = ft.Container(width=40, height=40, border_radius=ft.border_radius.all(10)) week_row.controls.append(day_button) # Add the weeks to the main column. calendar_column.controls.append(week_row) # Add column to our page container. self.calendar_container.content = calendar_column return self.calendar_container def main(page: ft.Page): page.theme = ft.theme.Theme(color_scheme_seed=ft.colors.PINK) page.dark_theme = ft.theme.Theme(color_scheme_seed=ft.colors.PINK) # Instantiate the FletCalendar class. mycal = FletCalendar(page) # Add to our application. page.add(mycal, mycal.output) page.update()