Statusbar example with Swift in XCode 6.2

I created a simple Status-bar application in Swift that dynamically creates a menu of Applications in the Utilities folder and opens the Application when the corresponding menu item is clicked. I use simple NSThread for the collection and use image assets for the icon. There is not a lot of…

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Minecraft Utilities

My son has been playing a lot of Minecraft and runs a server so I made him a series of utilities to make life easier. The first few I wrote were in Python and Tk, quick and dirty, but I wanted to learn the Swift programming language so I rewrote…

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Are you looking for a simple and quick way to enter notes into the Apple’s application from the statusbar? Don’t want the extra features of big note tools or really just like Apple’s built in Notes app? Me too! So I wrote a little utility I call MacNote to…

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TextMate 2 released under GPLv3

I built a copy on Mountain Lion if you don’t want to build it yourself. Download   SHA1 :  6afbef8e318c97e4964b8c3d67049ed0d160cfe0 Source can be found also be found on Github, more info below:

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My top three Desktop Operating Systems for 2012

Mountain Lion is the cats meow. Now all my Macintosh devices are one! “We are Apple. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.” And, after a couple days in Windows 8 I have a feeling even the Borg would have lost interest in Microsoft all together, I certainly did, yet…

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