A Simple Python Flask Web App

There are times when you need a very simply tool to do something rather trivial that needs to be accessible to various users. If it’s simple enough it seems rather silly to stand a server and install Apache to make some simple configuration changes. This is where Flask can shine….

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VPN Count Dashboard Example

Before all hell broke loose I built a dashboard for management to give a near real-time view of health, errors, etc. Once we got sent home to work and we popped most of the work force on VPN, I was tasked with adding a widget to show connected users. Of…

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Python 3 ThreadPoolExecutor in Gtk 3

So I wanted to collect all the theme icons on my Linux machine so I wrote a little app. It is really fast using the ThreadPoolExecutor from futures. I’ve used this at work but never in a Gtk app. Here’s the result from the straight Python 3 code without a…

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