There are times when you need a very simply tool to do something rather trivial that needs to be accessible to various users. If it’s simple enough it seems rather silly to stand a server and install Apache to make some simple configuration changes. This is where Flask can shine….
PowerShell Class to Generate SQL Insert statements
There are better ways to do SQL inserts but sometimes you just want to generate SQL. Maybe? Either way, it shows the use of classes in PowerShell.
Getting Installed Software on Red Hat Servers Remotely
If you need a quick and dirty way to get installed software from many Linux servers with minimal effort in Python this might be helpful.
Remove AD Accounts and User Share
A quick and dirty PowerShell Active Directory ‘AD’ account cleanup script that can be ran as a task in any domain. This program will remove AD accounts older than 90 days that are sitting in a disabled state. Hope it’s useful to someone looking for an example.
VPN Count Dashboard Example

Before all hell broke loose I built a dashboard for management to give a near real-time view of health, errors, etc. Once we got sent home to work and we popped most of the work force on VPN, I was tasked with adding a widget to show connected users. Of…
Python and Gtk code to reduce file size and resize images for web usage.

Python 3 GTK app that compresses and resizes images. Full source for learning simple Gtk Python App dev..
Fun with video in a Bootstrap 4 carousel.
I am working on a project at work and they were interested in a video playing up top. I decided it might be more fun if you have a series of videos. I already had Bootstrap 4.3.1 doing things on the page and I almost always have JQuery – you…
Simple Python 3 threaded timer in Gtk3.
A quick and dirty timer example. If you need to execute after a period of time use Thread.Timer(). This example uses simple thread and event to start and stop a clock in a Gtk 3 window counting up time in a label.
Python 3 ThreadPoolExecutor in Gtk 3
So I wanted to collect all the theme icons on my Linux machine so I wrote a little app. It is really fast using the ThreadPoolExecutor from futures. I’ve used this at work but never in a Gtk app. Here’s the result from the straight Python 3 code without a…
Get Dynatrace json dumps from threaded Python 3.
Today was a boring day so I was doing anything to make it go faster. I ended up redoing some Python code to get Dynatrace data. It didn’t need to be threaded but I was bored! It’s cold, windy, and dark here. Blah! Maybe someone will find this useful?