I’m learning D. I know, I am a program language hopper. This code provides working examples of getopts, concurrency, and a process call to convert PostScript to PDF using GhostScript in the D language.
Gambas 3 TreeView and TabStrip Example Code
I sometimes play around with Xojo and PureBasic for quick and simple GUI apps since the interface designers are convenient and the language makes for easy coding. I was checking out Gambas 3 and found it to be fairly good but lacking in a lot of examples. I was messing…
Install Virtuoso 6.1.6 for use with Python 3 on LinuxMint 18
Install the following from the Software Manager (use apt if you prefer): Virtuoso-opensourceVirtuoso-serverVirtuoso-vad-conductorVirtuoso-vad-isparqlVirtuoso-vsp-startpageVirtuoso-opensource-6.1Virtuoso-opensource-6.1-binVirtuoso-opensource-61-commonUnixodbcLibvirtodbc0 Download zip and Install PyODBC from https://github.com/maparent/pyodbc/tree/v3-virtuoso Unzip, cd into the expended folder, then type: $ sudo python setup.py build install Add the following in the odbc.ini: $ sudo nano /etc/odbc.ini Add the following and save it….
Creating a DataMatrix GS1 barcode and saving to postscript, PDF, or image for free in C#.
I’ve been working on an interesting project where I had to learn Pitney Bowes Streamweaver in order to sort/merge and barcode postscript. I have very little knowledge of postscript and no training or knowledge of Streamweaver whatsoever. I rolled my own in C# in order to understand how the product…
Sort list by column preserving index.
This is yet another reason I love Python! This is good for something like generating HTML tables with rowspans that you want sorted. Each tuple is a row, each item in the tuple is a cell. If you sort this data it will change the index so if you set…
Batch base64 encode PNGs in Python 3 for use in CSS.
I wrote a simple Python 3 script to base64 encode a series of PNG images for use in CSS, or whatever. If you’re learning Python try adding file output or even go a step further and generate the CSS lines. If you’re here I will assume you are wanting these…
Ajax driven HTML 5 radial gauge.
I recently updated an older JavaScript gauge example that I created years ago if anyone is interested in creating gauges and wants a working example. This web based example takes a value between 0 and 100 and will automatically update using Ajax to pull the values in from a json…
Statusbar example with Swift in XCode 6.2
I created a simple Status-bar application in Swift that dynamically creates a menu of Applications in the Utilities folder and opens the Application when the corresponding menu item is clicked. I use simple NSThread for the collection and use image assets for the icon. There is not a lot of…
Quick and dirty way to get Location data on Mac in Xojo
You could make a Xojo plugin in XCode to access the location data, buy a plugin, or maybe use AppleScript but I think this is simple and will work right in the console using Curl as well as within any language that can issue shell commands. Since it’s Curl it…
Create a Button with hover effect in Xojo
Drag a Canvas object onto your form from the Library. Click the Canvas object and select the Inspector, top right, and turn off UseFocusRing and for Backdrop select your default image. You can select the hover image as a Backdrop as well as it will add the image to your…