
Are you looking for a simple and quick way to enter notes into the Apple’s application from the statusbar? Don’t want the extra features of big note tools or really just like Apple’s built in Notes app? Me too! So I wrote a little utility I call MacNote to…

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TextMate 2 released under GPLv3

I built a copy on Mountain Lion if you don’t want to build it yourself. Download   SHA1 :  6afbef8e318c97e4964b8c3d67049ed0d160cfe0 Source can be found also be found on Github, more info below:

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pyGUI & wake a sleeping Mac example.

I started playing around with pyGUI a year or two ago, which allows fast gui development on OS X, Windows, and Linux from Python. I wrote a little app to wake up Macs awhile back and packaged it as a standard Mac bundle. In theory the raw Python should run…

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Editra Launch Objective-C Compiler

As I’m learning Objective-C I find moving between the terminal and my favorite IDE, Editra kind of annoying. Luckily Editra has a really cool plug-in called Launch that can be configured to run code and display the results within the editor. The only problem is that compiling and running objective-c…

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Timers, Status and Code, Oh my!

Before I deleted my site I had posted some code and programs that fire a timer in order to count down the days to an event. I wrote this in both XCode and IronPython, which can be downloaded with full source below. I decided to share again. If you don’t…

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