Pipewire Install on Manjaro 21.2.1, Updated instructions.

DISTRIB_ID=ManjaroLinuxDISTRIB_RELEASE=21.2.1DISTRIB_CODENAME=QonosKERNEL=5.15.12-1-MANJARO The procedure is similar to my previous install example. I used the graphical software installer to replace pulseaudio with pipewire. I also have Pipewire running on Pop! OS 21.10 following this. I uninstalled all installed pulseaudio products. This will also remove plasma-pa and KDEConnect. I then installed everything labeled pipewire including the 32bit pieces. […]

Simple Sort Enabled Paginated ASP Table

I don’t do a lot of web development, certainly when I do it’s in PHP running in Apache and not C# ASP in IIS. But recently I had to build some tools in ASP using C# to replace my older Python/Apache site. I am learning as I go; although, I have done things in the […]

Installing Yabridge on Manjaro

How to easily install and configure Yabridge VST on Manjaro. Yabridge is a tool that allows Windows VSTs to run on Linux as transparent as possible. It requires Wine to be installed.

A Simple Python Flask Web App

There are times when you need a very simply tool to do something rather trivial that needs to be accessible to various users. If it’s simple enough it seems rather silly to stand a server and install Apache to make some simple configuration changes. This is where Flask can shine. Let’s take a look at […]

Creating a Natron/KDEnlive space animation.

Had some downtime and wanted to give Natron a try. It has always ran like shit on the Linux distributions I run so I don’t think I’d use it for big projects but for small clips, like maybe subscribe buttons, it works great. I just hope someone picks up the development again, because I like […]

VPN Count Dashboard Example

Before all hell broke loose I built a dashboard for management to give a near real-time view of health, errors, etc. Once we got sent home to work and we popped most of the work force on VPN, I was tasked with adding a widget to show connected users. Of course this is an example […]