A Simple Python Flask Web App

There are times when you need a very simply tool to do something rather trivial that needs to be accessible to various users. If it’s simple enough it seems rather silly to stand a server and install Apache to make some simple configuration changes. This is where Flask can shine….

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Adventure Time vector

I was digging through some old drawings and found this silly Adventure Time doodle. I do doodles when I get bored or stressed that I give away or trash, but not before taking a photo. You never know when something trivial can spark inspiration. Anyway, if you think it’s funny…

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4K Manjaro Plasma Wallpaper

Wiccan inspired neon wallpaper. I was messing around with some art ideas and this just happened. It looks pretty cool so if you like skulls and neon maybe you’ll dig this. I also provide all the elements if you prefer to make your own layout. Tools used: Inkscape, Krita, and…

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Firewalla Blue Review

Firewalla Blue Review Image

Is the Firewalla worth your money? I’m not convinced that it is. Maybe if your router is older and doesn’t include a firewall. I went ahead a bought the Blue Plus to see what this thing can do and ran it for a few weeks. I am on the fence,…

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